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LLC "Мегатон" Description LLC "Megaton" is a company which specializes in the trade of clothing and accessories. For over 10 years it occupies one of the leading positions on the Russian market. At the moment "Megaton" has about 500 outlets in more than 180 cities. In our store of clothes any customer will find what he needs! We do our best to make you satisfied with your purchases! Company details Name: Limited Liability Company «Мегатон», LLC «Мегатон» Legal address: Cherepovets, st. Molodezhnaya d. 7 Фактический адрес: Cherepovets, st. Molodezhnaya d. 7 TIN/IEC: 3013002771/581101441 PSRN: 110110272331 Bank details Full name: LLC "Мегатон" TIN: 570912199352 PSRN: 302213182350174 Back: ОАО "Локо-Банк" Checking account: 80285110707424730081 BIC 031104721 C/A: 55040710505158993081 More
Дом книги
LLC "Дом книги" Description LLC " Дом книги " is one of the largest bookstores in Russia. Distinctive features of the store is constantly updated assortment. Managers of the store will help to compose gifts, make a corporate order. It is still the most famous and popular bookstore in the city. Company details Name: Limited Liability Company «Дом книги», LLC «Дом книги» Legal address: Moscow, st. Oktyabrskaya, 5 Actual address: Moscow, st. Oktyabrskaya, 5 TIN/IEC: 8018018171/410709111 PSRN: 220120111123 Bank details Full name: LLC "Дом книги" TIN: 270505031105 PSRN: 210005500230101 Bank: OJSC «Joint Stock Commercial Bank «AGROROS» Checking account: 40515550707432151071 BIC 042102022 С/A 59044045505050577082 More
Всё для дома
LCC "Всё для дома" Description: Refresh the interior, choose gifts! "Всё для дома" is a company that helps to make the house cozy and comfortable. Make it so that your loved ones rush to the hearth and enjoy every day spent with the family. We offer a choice of 40 thousand items of products from European manufacturers whose reputation is beyond doubt. Any electronics and household appliances are subject to mandatory before being sent to the client, they are completed with warranty documents and detailed instructions. Company details Name: Limited Liability Company «Всё для дома», LCC «Всё для дома» Legal address: St. Petersburg, Nevsky Ave. 1 Actual address : St. Petersburg, Nevsky Ave. 1 TIN/IEC: 7700011101/030201111 PSRN: 010102020303 Bank details Full name: LLC "Все для дома" TIN: 701234560111 PSRN: 304123456012301 Bank: OJSC АКБ "Авангард" Checking account:... More
LCC "Гаджет" Description Our company successfully sells electronics. The priority in the sale of goods for us is the ability to offer the buyer the best price and compliance with all necessary warranty obligations. The online store "Gadget" can please you not only with high-quality goods and excellent service - we offer convenient payment methods, bonus programs and other interesting offers. Choosing us, you choose professionalism and experience, honesty and respect, quality and speed of service! Company details Name: Limited Liability Company «Гаджет», LLC «Гаджет» Legal address: Kaliningrad, Sovetsky Ave., 3 Actual address: Kaliningrad, Sovetsky Ave., 3 TIN/IEC: 3013011111/391101111 PSRN: 110110111111 Bank details Full name: LLC "Гаджет" TIN: 731212131301 PSRN: 305113117110101 Bank: OJSC «Joint Stock Commercial Bank «Absolut Bank» Checking account: 70511110707777731031 BIC... More